05. – 06. October 2019 // Bochum Germany
Javascript Conference
Ruhr Valley

Martina Kraus


Boost your JavaScript app: How to increase performance with the help of WebAssembly

"Running bytecode inside the web browser with almost native application speed?
That's possible with web assembly. Further, running native embedded Code inside the browser comes without a performance penalty. This enables the developer to create also compute heavy tasks like video and image rendering. After small examples, aiming to show the compiler toolchain, Martina will deep dive into the question: How to boost my slow JavaScript Application with native Bytecode."

Speaker Bio

"Martina Kraus always had always a strong interest in Web-Engineering. As a freelance, she focuses on implementing highly scalable software-solution with Node.Js and Angular.
Besides her work as a lecturer at the Hochschule Mannheim, she is also a member of Hackerststolz e.V. (https://hackerstolz.de), the Founder of the JavaScript User group and an organizer for AngularGirls Events."

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